Health benefits of papain are familiar to those people who have used it to relieve pain and inflammation. Papain is obtained in papaws. This liquid from papaws is a multipurpose. It is secreted by papaws as a whitish discharge which you can see when you prick a pawpaw fruit. One of its main uses is in the realm of digestion. You may have suffered from indigestion at one time or another and did not what remedy is available for a quick relief. Papain contains enzymes which are useful in the stomach, Intestines and pancreas.
Benefit 1: Papain as Anti- Inflammatory Agent
Papain contains antiseptic properties as well as anti- inflammatory qualities. These qualities are useful in treating burns, irritation and festered wounds. If you suffer from ulcers and bed sore, Papain is all you need. It is usually applied on the affected part and it starts healing the burn, wound or sore due to the healing properties mentioned earlier on. You may have tried to destroy fungus without success. Papain is resistant to fungal attack hence reduce the rot that affects fruits causing them to rot. Its anti fungal properties reduce the pathogenic fungal which cause fruits like mangoes to rot prematurely that is, even before ripening.
Benefit 2: Papain for Wound Healing 
Papain is good for your skin and you can apply it on your skin to remove excess oil or to heal cracks or wounds. Use it as you would coconut oil to apply on affected parts of the body. Your immune system regularly requires to be boosted for better performance. Its anti-oxidative properties are useful in cancer treatment due to the presence of enzymes such as Papain helps to regulate leukocytes in the immune response. Leukocytes are blood components that build immunity against diseases and infections. Studies have proved that indeed Papain enzyme plays a crucial role in fighting tumours and other cancerous cells.
Benefit 3: Papain Good for Relieving Pain and Fighting Free Radicals
For treatment against inflammation, you require Papain. Inflammation refers to swelling, irritation, reddening and pain experienced in joints as well as organs such as the prostate. Papain is effective in reducing pain joints and swelling associated with rheumatoid arthritis and prostatitis, the inflammation of the prostate. Papain is rich in anti-oxidants which protect the body from the harmful effects of radicals. Free radicals are responsible for abnormal cells production which ultimately become cancerous and cause problems such as tumours and cancers. Examples include brain tumours and prostate cancer. The anti-oxidant in Papain helps prevent these free radicals from reacting in the body to form these cancerous cells.
Benefit 4: Papain is Useful as Food Preservative that is not Hazardous
Papain is a viable alternative to the chemical additives which are used for the preservation of probiotic bacteria during manufacture of yogurt. This is due to its oxidation qualities. If you are in the business of making yogurt, you now have a cheaper and more natural way of preserving your yogurt. Papain possesses anti- microbial properties and hence used as a preservative. Instead of using sodium benzoate to preserve food, you can use Papain as a preservative agent. Its oxidizing nature comes in handy when you want to preserve various foods especially the perishables. If your meat is hard, you may want to make it tender and easy to cook and eat. Papain serves as a meat softener too.