With its one of a kind look and taste, mangosteen is also known as “the queen” of tropical fruits, most especially in regions around Southeast Asia. This unique, round and purple-colored fruit is famous for its snow-white, tasty and juicy arils. Botanically, mangosteen is from the family of Clusiaceae, in the genus: Garcinia and with scientific name: Garcinia mangostana.
Mangosteen is a tropical fruit that requires humidity, rainfall and can’t endure drought for a long period. And this plant can’t grow in areas with high altitude.
Although mangosteen’s place of origin isn’t known, it was thought to be first domesticated in the regions of Southeast Asia. Countries like Burma, Vietnam, India, and Thailand have been cultivating mangosteen for thousands of years.
Mangosteen is a healthy fruit, which is fully loaded with:
- Water
- Energy
- Protein
- Carbohydrate
- Fiber
- Calcium
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
- Sodium
- Zinc
- Copper and
- Manganese
- Vitamin C, B6, B12, and A
- Thiamin
- Riboflavin
- Niacin
- Pantothenic acid
- Folate
- Folic acid
- Carotene
- Cryptoxanthin
Due to these essential elements, mangosteen can treat a wide array of health problems. Its health benefits are as follows:
- Contains Anti-Cancer Properties
Mangosteen has anti-cancer properties. This fruit has xanthones that have anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Xanthones stops the growth of human colon cancer according to the research conducted by Akao Y et al. Xanthones also showed the probability to be established as an agent in preventing cancer or used along with anti-cancer meds for positive effects.
- Contains Anti-oxidants
The key element of mangosteen, xanthone is in charge for the efficiency of the fruit in helping the overall health of people. There are about 200 kinds of known xanthone found in nature. Astonishingly about 20 of these are in mangosteen, which is concentrated mostly in the rind. These component aids in lowering free-radicals and providing a boost to our immune system.
- Contains Antihistamine Properties
Mangosteen can also help people who are experiencing allergies. This is mainly because of its ability to reduce inflammation. This fruit has antihistamine capability. Some people, who are experiencing eye problems, are also not able to consume allergy meds. So, they are left with looking for other solutions that can work for them without further worsening their conditions.
- Boosts Immune System
Mangosteen has high vitamin C content. This about 12% recommended daily allowance per 100g. Vitamin C, which is a strong water soluble anti-oxidant, provides resistance from flu-like infectious agents and eliminates damaging pro-inflammatory free radicals.
- Helps Regulate Blood Pressure and Heart Rate
Mangosteen is also a good source of magnesium. Magnesium aids in controlling the heart’s electrical function, making sure that the blood pressure and heart rate are under control and also maintaining a regular heartbeat.
- Prevents Inflammation
Consuming mangosteen is helpful for many individuals suffering from a wide range of conditions associated with inflammation. Since a lot of respiratory problems are because of inflammation along the lung’s passageways, lowering inflammation can open the airways and permit normal breathing. Hence, the mangosteen can help individuals who are suffering from many breathing problems.
Furthermore, inhibiting inflammation can help those who are having mobility problems because of soreness and swelling in the joints so they can move better and feel better.
- Improves Digestion
The fiber that is in mangosteen can help individuals suffering from problems in the digestive system and normalize their digestive system. The result is an improvement in the body’s overall health as problems with the digestive system can affect other parts of the body and can even be a source of other health issues.
- Treats Various Skin Conditions
People living in the Southeast Asian regions had it figured that the mangosteen’s pulp can help stop bleeding and can serve as an antiseptic if applied on minor cuts. Fortunately today, there are products made from mangosteen can help with a few skin disorders such as acne.
- Helps Maintain Healthy Weight
Mangosteen is a fruit with low calories and contains vitamins that help metabolism. This simply means the possibility of having a healthier and leaner body, and also having high energy reserves. Mangosteen is also rich in fiber. Its fiber content along with vitamin B-complex aids in sustaining a healthy weight by carefully raising metabolism and supporting a more effective digestive system functioning.