Grapefruit’s botanical name means “fruit of paradise’’. This huge orange-citrus fruit is a subtropical tree first grown in Barbados in the 18th century. Its taste ranges from sour to semi-sweet fruit and is a latest crossbreed addition between an orange and a Pomelo. Grapefruit is a healthy fruit whose health benefits are many as we shall find out in this article.
Health Benefit 1: Restores Body Ph
Grapefruit assists in restoring the Ph balance due to its acid-alkaline properties. This property assists in treatment of a host of digestive problems occasioned by acidity in the gut.
Health Benefit 2: Treatment of Atherosclerosis
Grapefruit contains an element pectin is effective in lowering accumulation of deposits in the arterial walls. It also contains vitamin C which assists in strengthening as well as maintaining elasticity of arteries.
Health Benefit 3: Hinders Breast and Pancreatic Cancer
The bioflavonoid in grapefruit helps to eliminate excess estrogen stop spread of cancer cells in breast cancer patients. The bioflavonoid and vitamin C in grapefruit also assist pregnant women overcome retention of water and swelling of the legs during the period of pregnancy. Grape fruit also contains albedo, anti-cancer agents which ward off pancreatic cancer from the gut.
Health Benefit 4: Treats Common cold Fever and Sore throat
Grapefruit drink enhances the immune system during stressful period. Common cold results from a compromised immunity. Grapefruit also lowers fever when drank in plenty, just as you would drink other drinks. Plenty of healthy fluids in the body (such as grapefruit) improves body immunity and offers relief from fever. For treatment of Sore throat, a glass of fresh grapefruit juice is all you need for soothing an obnoxious sore throat.
Health Benefit 5: Lowers Cholesterol
Grapefruit contain a component which assists the liver in producing lower amounts of cholesterol.
Health Benefit 6: Combats Diabetes
The juice in grapefruit assists in getting rid of unwanted starch and sugars. This is useful in management of diabetes.
Health Benefit 7: Promotes Digestion
Grapefruit together with its albedo and pith contain fiber which assists in bowel movement. The juice boosts flow of gastric juice hence boosting digestion.
Health Benefit 8: Wards off Fatigue
A glass of grapefruit mixed with honey and lemon juice assists the body gets rid of fatigue and tiredness.
Health Benefit 9: Combats Sleeplessness
If you are experiencing insomnia, a glass of grape juice before retiring to bed will offer relief and promote quality sleep.
Health Benefit 10: Weight-loss
The fat-burning enzyme in grape fruit assists in lowering the levels of starch and sugar in the body and as a result, loss of weight.
Health Benefit 11: Phytonutrients
Grape fruit contains phytonutrients, known as lycopene. This anti-oxidant assists in lowering the risk of developing prostate cancer. The carotenoids in grapefruit are useful in combating a host of other diseases. It also contains limonoids which assist in controlling genes found in cancer cells.
Health Benefit 12: Rich in Vitamins and Minerals
Grapefruit contains vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B5( or pantothenic acid-, required by the body to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates ) and vitamin B9( or folate-vital for brain activities such manufacture of DNA and RNA).Additionally, grape fruit contains potassium which is required for smooth muscle contraction as well as healthy cardiovascular system.
Image Credit : LinuxPickle via Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported