Tamarind Health Benefits

Tamarind Health Benefits There are many health benefits of eating tamarind as you will learn from this article. Before we look at the health benefits of tamarind, it helps to first understand some facts about tamarind. Tamarind can best be described as a tree that is popular in Asia and Africa since it grows in tropical geographical zones. The fruit of tamarind tree is dried and used for medicinal purposes.  The pods of this fruit have both seeds and pulp that is dried and when dry it turns sour. This pulp is the most important part that is used in foods and has innumerable health benefits. Tamarind that is not ripe is also useful as an ingredient in a wide range of cuisines in Asia.

Health Benefits of Tamarind

One of the most known health benefit of tamarind, is its use as medicine since the ancient times. It has been known to be useful for treating constipation and liver problems among others.  The following is an in-depth outline of the various health benefits of Tamarind.

Benefit 1:  Treating or Managing Constipation

 Tamarind is useful for treating constipation since it acts like a laxative helping loosen stool and help prevent or treat constipation.  Tamarind juice is an important consideration for people suffering from constipation to help them get some relief.

Benefit 2: Treating Bile Disorders

For years, tamarind has proven to be particularly useful for treating liver and gall disorders and has been studied severally on the role it plays in treating bile problems. You can read this  article : Tamarind Health Research

Benefit 3:  Lowering Cholesterol

Tamarind like other organic foods plays an important role in the body of lowering potentially harmful cholesterol levels and keeping your heart healthy. By lowering cholesterol tamarind prevents development of heart and cardiovascular diseases thereby increasing longevity and chances of living a healthy and disease free life.

Benefit 4:  Managing Pain and Inflammation

Tamarind is particularly useful for managing pain and inflammation on joints. It has been seen that leaves and pulp crushed and applied on swollen joints provides great relief and reduces inflammation.

Benefit 5: Treating Sore Throat

Tamarind used for treating sore throat. It is either gargled or drunk as tamarind juice to help relief pain and discomfort of sore throats. Try taking some tamarind when you have a sore throat and you will get great relief.

Benefit 6: Treating Conjunctivitis

There are many eye drops that have been used for years to treat inflammation of the conjunctiva in the eye and the primary ingredient is tamarind. The eye drop treatment ointment is made from tamarind seeds and is useful for curing conjunctiva inflammation due to many causes like bacterial infection or the common condition referred to as dry eye syndrome.

Benefit 7: Diuretic, Bile Disorder and Jaundice Remedy

Tamarind is used as a remedy for bile disorders, jaundice and associated dieresis problems.

Benefit 8: Fighting Cancer

Tamarind is an important source of antioxidants that help in fighting cancer by reducing the increase of free radicals that predispose you to cancer. Like other sources of antioxidants tamarind has high amount of antioxidants that help to curb cancer.

Benefit 9: Prevention of Colds and Fever

Like mentioned earlier tamarind is a potent agent for reducing inflammation and is therefore useful for management of colds and fever. It helps to protect you from colds by just taking a glass of tamarind in boiled water.

Benefit 10: Treatment of Diarrhea and Dysentery

 Tamarind is useful for treating diarrhea and dysentery and helps as a good stomach ache relief. Tamarind seed’ covering is the useful part for treatment or management of diarrhea.

 Photo Credit : Mokkie via Creative Commons 

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