Health Benefits of Edamame

Health Benefits of EdamameAbout Edamame

Edamame is a name used to mean’ branched bean’ or ‘Beans on Branches’. It is the preparation of immature, green soybeans. It is usually harvested just in time before it reaches the “hardening” period. Its pod are steamed and salted. You will found edamame in the cuisine of Taiwan, China, Japan, Indonesia and Hawaii. The health benefits of edamame are numerous as we shall see in this article.

Health Benefit 1: Low Fat, High Protein

 Edamame is rich in protein and low in fat(has less than 1gm of saturated) .It supplies the body with 17 grams of protein, equivalent to 30%  of recommended daily allowance in men and nearly 37% in women. The nine essential amino acids it offers are important because our bodies cannot manufacture them.

Health Benefit 2: Cardiovascular Health

The high –fiber content in edamame assists in reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. It contains mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6 fatty acids as well as  alpha-linolenic acid and  omega-3 fatty acid which the body can readily convert to  EPA and DHA.These  compounds are associated with reduced blood cholesterol and fewer heart diseases. The isoflavones in edamame prevents cardiovascular diseases

Health benefit 3: Bone Health

Edamame contains manganese, vitamin K, potassium and magnesium. Manganese helps in building strong bones while vitamin K plays a role in adding to bone density. Both potassium and magnesium contribute in preventing onset of osteoporosis. Its isoflavones also assist in maintenance of the bone density due to estrogen-like properties. Studies have also shown that soy protein has ability increase bone mineral density (BMD), or reduce BMD loss in women approaching or in post-menopause.

Health benefit 4: Boosts Immune System

The copper in edamame aids in strengthening the immune system by ensuring that it functions at optimum level. It supplies the body with about 60% of the recommended daily allowance. The two compounds phytoestrogens genistein and daidizein in edamame act like hormone estrogen thus believed to enable the body to ward off certain cancers in women.

Health Benefit 5: Source of fiber

The 4grams of fiber in Edamame gives you a feeling of fullness hence you do not get hungry sooner, not to mention lowering the levels of cholesterol.

Health Benefit 6: Antioxidant

Edamame seeds contain antioxidants which help the body rid itself radicals and toxins. This is useful in strengthening body’s immunity. The isoflavones and saponins are useful antioxidants which guard the body against the effects of harmful free radicals.

Health Benefit 7: Anti-inflammation

 Anti-inflammatory properties in edamame are useful in combating arthritis as well as asthmatic patients.

Health Benefit 8: Anti-Cancer properties

Edamame is used especially by women to counteract breast pain. It has also been found that soy beans assist in preventing breast cancer.

Health Benefit 9: Muscle Health

Edamame (especially dry roasted) is considered a complete protein hence aids in maintaining muscle mass. A complete protein food is one which contains all the essential amino acids.

Health Benefit 10: Kidney Health

Edamame contributes in slowing progression of kidney disease by lowering protein in the urine, which, if left untreated causes known as proteinuria.

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