Health Benefits of Nectarines

Health Benefits of NectarinesNectarine originally came from China before moving to other parts of Europe. Nectarines originated in China are now produced all over the world. The fruit bears resemblance with peaches though they are different. Unlike the peaches, it has no fuzz, is smaller with a smooth red skin with yellow marks. It can be eaten raw or used to make jams, jellies, salads, cheese cakes, tarts and ice cream. Given below are the health benefits of nectarine.

1. Cancer Prevention

The yellow flesh in nectarines is abundant in bioflavonoid and especially carotenoid. The pigments assist in fighting cancer by lowering the damage done to cells when the body burns oxygen. The anti-oxidants in nectarine include Vitamin A, C and beta carotene all of which fight cancer. It has been found that consumption of nectarines helps in fighting other types of cancers such as oral and cavity cancer…

   2.  Promotion of Healthy Heart.

Nectarines are abundant in potassium and fiber, both of which are useful in maintaining a healthy heart. It regulates normal cholesterol levels and is well endowed with fiber.

3. Anti-oxidants

Nectarines are rich in anti-oxidant which aid in eliminating free radicals from the body. The free radicals result from exposure to sunlight and can be removed if nectarine is incorporated in your diet. Nectarines safeguard you UVA rays, not to mention the ability of the anti-oxidants in fighting several diseases. The anti-oxidant in nectarine helps in the conversion of vitamin A in the body.

4. Collagen

The vitamin C found in nectarines plays an important role in maintaining the strength of tissues. Collagen is a structural protein which aids in putting the tissues in place hence promoting healing following an injury. The ascorbic acid in Vitamin C promotes immunity and aids in combating infections. Additionally, it helps in the repair of cartilage and bones. It forms part of protein responsible for production of skin, scars, tissue, tendon and ligament.

5. Promotes Digestion

Indigestion is a problem that nectarine solves due to its potassium. Potassium improves metabolism and controls PH balance, thereby assisting in the photosynthesis and digestion of carbohydrates.

6. Weight Loss

Nectarines are poor in calorie content and hence effective in promoting weight loss. It has 44 calories per 100grms and has zero saturated fats. The fiber in nectarines assist in hunger management and as a result, weight loss.

7. Vitamin A

Nectarines are laden with Beta carotene which in turn is important for the synthesis of vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency causes abnormal bone development, reproductive diseases and in some cases, it is fatal. Nectarine protects the body from degeneration of the eyes hence maintains healthy eyes.

8. Maintains Normal Blood pressure

The potassium in nectarine is useful in regulating blood pressure as it balances the effects of sodium, thereby regulating fluid balance in the body…. Nectarine should be consumed alongside with its skin in order to derive most of its benefits. This is because the skin contains an insoluble fiber which prevents constipation.

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