Health benefits kombucha teaEver heard of Kombucha tea? Well am sure you are shaking your head and asking: Kombu…What? Let me educate you. There has been praise and criticism directed to this tea hence the need to shed more light on Kombucha tea. Does it have the overly hyped benefits or is it just a gimmick by crafty brewers? Some people call it mushroom tea although in actual fact, it is a combination of bacteria and yeast. You simply add the two to sugar and tea and then allow them to ferment. After the fermentation, you will get a concoction that is rich in vinegar (ethanol) and vitamins such as vitamin B.

These vitamins help to improve the immune system. In particular is vitamin B complex that stimulates the body’s immune system. Kombucha tea also prevents cancer such as breast cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer. This is because of the antioxidants found in this tea. Antioxidants are chemical compounds that inhibit the reaction of free radicals in the body which lead to formation of cancer. In addition to that, it contains vinegar which is mainly acetic acid. Acetic acid which is CH3COOH is an ethanoic acid. Acetic acid is an important metabolic intermediate, and it occurs naturally in body fluids and in plant juices. Thus the resultant vinegar aids in metabolism.

Save for those who do not know how to prepare Kombucha tea, its prognosis is good so far. There is need to help you prepare a cupful of this amazing tea and savour the health benefits. Ensure that you brew it at home under strictly hygienic condition. If possible, avoid using ceramic pot to brew it as this might lead to lead poisoning. Remember the fermentation leads to formation of ethanoic acid hence non- metallic container will lead to a chemical process. I would therefore advice a metallic container; say a container made of copper. This is readily available at your local shop or supermarket.

Harvest yeast and bacteria from a credible source and add them to a mixture of tea and sugar. Ensure fermentation is controlled so that your concoction does not over ferment or under ferment. Ordinarily this will take you three to five weeks. Observe hygiene to prevent contamination. Cover the fermenting brew with an air tight container and keep it out of reach of children.

Take your kombucha tea in moderation. It should be a healthy drink that you can have frequently and enjoy the benefits as discussed above. The benefits are innumerable hence outweigh the shortcomings associated with delicate preparation.

You will get lots of health benefits from a cup of kombucha tea than you would ordinarily obtain from other sources. As long as you observe high level of personal hygiene, you will enjoy kombucha tea to the fullest.

The naysayers who dismiss the benefits of kombucha tea simply do not realize the potential of kombucha tea in preventing a myriad of ailments. We need not limit ourselves on the isolated cases of victims of stomach upsets and allergic reactions. If you follow these steps, you will enjoy a cup of kombucha tea anytime, anytime!

Recommended Resources

Wikipedia : Kombucha Tea

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